Monday, July 14, 2008

Behind the eight ball

I can't believe it is mid-July! I have to get two paintings and one art shack pretty well constructed in the next 10 days. Argh.

I just got back from a week's class in Red Deer, always time well spent at their summer series art sessions.

This is an oil painting I made. (I hate oil!)
Bev Tosh taught the class and showed us how to put on a dark ground and then rub back into the ground to establish our values. She just used paint straight from the tube, no mucking with solvents!! Lastly, you lay in your color. I donated the painting for fund-raising for the college. There was no way I was going to try to rassle that big wet painting all the way back to the Flats. I got oil paint on my good purse as it was ( plus my clothes).


FCP said...

Hey if you don't get paint all over you (and everything you own), where is the fun? Ken Auster says he has two kinds of clothes, those with paint and those that will have paint on them.
BTW, you have to go to NM for the O'Keefe workshop tours where you can sketch, paint, or photograph as you visit all the places she did. There was one in progress when I was there--such fun!

Vicki Shuck said...

it's so funny to read that you hate oils after I just talked to you about the acrylics! At least with oils, there's a tiny chance of getting them out of where they don't belong!!Of course you need to like the smell of turp!